Sunday, January 25, 2009


Thanks Lori, this was actually kind of a hard one!

Five things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Just graduated in December
2. Recovering from a bout of shingles
3. Living with my most wonderful friends Jamie, Cami, and Jenna in Provo.
4. Breaking up with Hyrum
5. Getting reading to start my job in Pleasant Grove and driving the "smurf mobile"

Five things on my to do list
1. Email Olivia's teacher
2. Fix the kids some dinner
3. Watch the end of Wurthering Heights tonight with Wayne
4. Organize my stuff in the basement
5. Exercise

Five of my favorite snack foods
1. Chocolate (Prefered method a snickers bar)
2. Ice Cream
3. Chocolate Chip cookies
4. Chips and Salsa
5. Combos

Five things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Pay off debt and house
2. Put aside money for the kids-an inheritance
3. Go on a very nice vacation-travel (Greece, Italy, Australia, Hawaii, Caribbean)
4. Help all my parents retire early
5. Start an scholorship fund or a trust

Okay I will tag Heather B, Evelyn, Laura W, Erika, Robin

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Has it really been 10 years since those good old day? In some ways it seems longer and other ways it seems like it was yesterday. I see you still like choc.---me too.