Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gardens, Soccer, and Cowboys

Greetings and Hello! It has been sometime since I have just been able to sit down and write a few thoughts. I'm so thankful for the beautiful weather we have now. The wind is still somewhat brisk, but I was able to wear sandals to church, so I was very happy not to have to slip on a pair of hose or tights. I was called to teach Sunday school to the teen agers in our ward, probably 3 months ago. I thought I was really going to miss my RS calling (teacher). But I have found that I love this new one. My kids are sooooo good and just as of late I've been given the chance to team teach with Jennifer B. and we have truely been having a great time in class. I feel like I shouldn't tell anyone that or they might say, "well we better get her another calling" But I really have been having a good time.

Audrey only has 11 days left of school and I can't wait. It will be so fun to have her home this summer. I hope that we can go to the pool and have alot of fun. On Tues. she wants to audition for a little play. I hope she does well. But it should be a neat experience. The play is Alice in Wonderland. She was telling her Dad that she is a little nervous to audition because she doesn't know what they might throw at her. I have no idea where she heard that!

Olivia got her soccer uniform yesterday, and so it begins. I'm very excited for her to start, but yesterday when we were practicing in the yard she had a hard time accepting the fact that Audrey beat her in kicking the goals. So I think it is good she is competitive, but I feel anxious that she isn't a gracious loser and that she can't find more enjoyment with it. And also she said she doesn't like to run because it makes her tired. But that is why we are on this earth to have all these different kinds of experiences. So goo purple team (that is her uniform color)

Whitney is still trying to manage the English language. New words include He-Man (as she raises her arm in the air) and my friend Terry and her family taught her to say "O my gosh" with both hands on her cheeks.

Speaking of Terry, we had a wonderful day yesterday. Terry is graciously letting we help with her garden and giving me some of the spoils. Yesterday we planted 30 tomato plants, 24 broccoli , 2 rows of corn and 5 rows of beans. She even let me run the tiller and dig some of the holes. I love planting and gardening, it was fun but it made me so tired last evening. So Wayne ended up going to rodeo with just Audrey and Olivia last evening. They had a blast and loved seeing the animals and cowboys. I think their favorite part was watching the goats get tied up. At first I thought they mistaken that it was really calves. But Wayne assured me that it was goats. They really didn't talk a whole lot about the bull riding, just the goats.

Wayne felt manly yesterday in that he finally got a riding lawn mower (not a new one, but a John Deere) He was so happy to be able to mow that back yard with it. Heck I will even mow the back yard with it now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I need to get the garden planted as well. I think Olivia could probably kick Alexander's butt in soccer but dont tell him that!!! We miss you! When are you coming back East?
BTW, I love your blog- it looks so glossy!