Thursday, November 13, 2008

My cards.

Here are my cards for card swap tonight. I'm usually not too proud of my cards. But I thought these turned out cute. At least they are done.


Shawna said...

They are cute! Was the tree hard to do? I know what you mean about having them done. It is a joyous day when all of mine get done. I do enjoy doing it, even though I wait until the last minute. I get it honest though, my mom would be finishing our Easter or Christmas dresses the night before. ha! You need to start back with our card club.

Mrs. Morgan said...

oh my gosh how are you guys? i didn't know you had a blog! you're kids are all growing up so fast... they are adorable! miss you guys! there's a guy in my spanish class that looks a lot like wayne... way trippy! hope all is well with your family!