Monday, November 3, 2008

What our Country needs

. Today I had one of my greatest experiences. Someone showed me kindness. It wasn't flashy or weird, it was just nice and good. Well, I was at Sam's this morning finishing my shopping with Whitney and like we sometimes do, we ate lunch at the little cafe that is right in the front. I just ordered a hotdog, slice of pizza and a drink. So Whitney and I was having lunch and like I usually do, I didn't pick up any napkins, and like what usually happens when a two year old attempts to eat a hotdog, she got ketsup on her face and hands. My thoughts were I will just get some napkins when I get up to go we weren't doing too bad. Well, there was this man, in a suit in line. He had ordered his food after us and was waiting. He must have noticed that we were in need of napkins. So I didn't see him do this, but he went over and got some napkins and layed them on our table. My back was turned to him and I had been helping Whitney take her bites. So when I turned around to look in front of me on the table was, Napkins! And I looked up to see him sit down and just smile. It wasn't weird and I didn't feel like I was being hit on-it was just nice. I kind'a felt like I was on that commercial you see where all these people are doing nice things for everyone and it kind goes around in a circle. Then the pay-it-forward movie came to mind and then President Hinckley's words came to mind where he admonished all of us to be a little better-be a little more kinder.
And that is where I want to go with this post. I'm well aware of this election tomorrow-it's not a pretty election. I'm not really satisfied with either canidate, and I very scared for our future as a great country. I'm worried about Prop. 8 in California, I'm worried that whoever gets elected President won't value it. America is a great place-we have so many freedoms that other places just don't. I'm am frustrated though with some things here in America. Like our schools. But I don't want to really go down that list. But what I've come to realize is that government is not really our solution to fixing anything. There are a lot of politicans out there with good ideas, and some that don't have good ideas. But ultimately the only thing that is going to save our families and everyone is following the Savior and his example. So by saying that, I only hope that I can see a need of someone, just like the man in Sam's today and strive to be little more kinder.


Unknown said...


Jamie said...

I agree!!! Thanks for sharing and I too hope to spread kindness around.... much is needed these days. Joani does have a blog, but its private and she won't even invite me to it. SOOOO, don't know such about them, but what I hear from Jenny (her sister). I saw Sheila's blog on yours... do you guys still keep in contact. Where is she these days?

Unknown said...

So true.

Dust + Hil said...

I couldn't agree more.

hapagirl said...

Wow, this could be a church talk! And it's exactly what I have been feeling about the election and goverment. Have you been reading my mind on facebook or something? ;)
