Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I've Been Tagged

My cousin Lori just tagged me and I would like to thank her and here it goes:
How To Play This Game of Tag:Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 facts about yourself.
Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
3 Joys:
1. My children bring me so much joy, they make me laugh the most, and I delight in everything they do, think, or say
2 My husband-not saying that we always have it easy, but I would have to say that nobody understands me better sometimes-even when I'm crazy and just weird he says he understands and I believe he does.
3. My friends and family-I'm so thankful for all my relationships-it is hard to manage them sometimes and I regret not being better, but when I get email or phone calls from anyone it brings me a lot of joy.
3. Fears:
1. That something will happen to someone I love in my family or friends (accidents)
2. Not having my food storage good enough-not being prepared for disasters
3. Money
3 Goals:
1. (this one was hard because I don't think I have to many, that's terrible) To continue to always be learning something new
2. Read
3. Learn to develop a good sense of inner peace.
3 Obsessions:
1. Movies
2. Facebook
3. "Dancing with the stars"
3 Facts about myself:
1. I love to hike and enjoy that feeling you get after you get going for a while when you feel like you can do anything.
2.I want to travel, anywhere (top three would be Italy, Greece and Australia-Indonisa maybe-and South America...) didn't I say anywhere?
3. I can recite my ABC's backwards, just ask

Okay now I tag Monica, Robin, Hilary, and Erika


Unknown said...

I like the new look of your blog, Allie! You inspired me to change my blog scenery as well!
I didnt know you liked facebook so well! Glad I tagged you- interesting the things you find out!

Dust + Hil said...

I am very excited that Olivia and Jaxon are going to be in the same class! Jax, is too. Your blog is super cute by the way.